Here are some thought and bits of advice towards being a TA in university. This may seem to be pretty random to put as a JET blog post, but I believe it has insight that can be applicable to many other scenarios
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Going to school and participating in club activities or working on homework during your summer vacation? Working on your English speech during summer for a speech contest in the second week of school? That doesn’t really sound like a typical summer vacation.
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Wednesday August 14 and Thursday August 15 Stayed indoors all of Wednesday and Thursday because of typhoon warnings. To be honest it wasn’t that bad. Our supervisor messaged us and advised us to only get groceries if necessary (which we did when
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Saturday August 9 As the title says, we finally got the car! I bought a Honda life which is a kei car from my predecessor. We finally had a chance to check it out today. A little summary of what a kei
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I apologize in advance if this post doesn’t have as many interesting photos for the first few days. I didn’t feel comfortable taking pictures of my lunch and dinner with our BoE (Board of Education) staff. Nonetheless, here’s a small recap of
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August 3rd was the day I left Toronto for Japan. It was also the start of Caribana which made driving out of our neighborhood a little bit difficult. I arrived at the airport with Mom, Dad and Nikola at 10AM which was
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Yesterday Nikola and I had a party with our friends. We prepped a bunch of finger foods such as sausages, deconstructed BLTs, mozarella and tomatoes. Our moms made yummy foods like cheese pita and spring rolls! It was a lot of fun
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