Pimlico Fish Bar – Recommended by our hostel 2. Steak & Co gave us a great 2 course meal. Carole tried to stay more health conscious with a salmon and salad while Nikola tried the steaming hot mac and cheese. 3. London
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For your viewing reference:
1. Mt Ulriken and Floyen 2. Fresh fish market 3. Bryggen 4. There are flowers everywhere 5. Colourful housing 6. Friendly people (there were so many friendly people that were not us!) 7. Homemade norweigian food 8. Insane engineering skill with roads:
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Here’s our first youtube video from Europe! Featuring the beautiful Oslo:
I’d like to give a shoutout to Oslo for having the most amazing gardens of tulips and lilacs growing absolutely everywhere. It makes the city smell and look so great. Here are some of my favourite photos of flowers in Oslo.